Wednesday 29 May 2019

Facts Related With Houston DWI Lawyers

Worldwide there are many cases that are sometimes imposed without any proper verdicts and due to less knowledge of the law and related studies people tend to face the unwanted criminal charges. People also don’t know how to fight for their prosecution when they are offended for certain things.

What is DWI:  DWI stands for Driving while intoxicated and DUI means Driving under the influence. DWI is handled by the Texas penal code, section 49.04. The Texas penal code has already defined the intoxications levels and the sources of intoxications which includes consumption of alcohol, dangerous drugs or we can say any controlled substance. This intoxicant can also be categorized if the blood alcohol concentrations are more than or equal to 0.08.

Basic Questions following an arrest: There are many questions that you might have following an arrest for a DWI. These questions can be handled by the right attorney for you. Few of such questions are mentioned below
  • Do I have to take a Breathalyzer/field sobriety test?
  • What will happen if a person refuses for the test?
  • Will I be convicted if my blood alcohol concentration is below 0.08?
  • What sought of rules that govern the Driving while intoxicated?
  • How will I represent myself while being in court?
  • What kind of potential penalties that I will be facing?
  • What are the charges of a lawyer?
  • If I did not read Miranda rights what will happen next?
  • Do marijuana use results in DWI convictions?
  • Can I plead not guilty?
These were a few questions that normally are in the mind of people and due to very less legal knowledge, they are unable to deal with all this stuff.

Misconceptions related to DWI: There are few misconceptions among the people during the situation of facing DWI convictions. These misconceptions are like
  • Failing in DWI test, it's over for me. There is nothing left than a cheap plea out: No its not true as lawyers have won many cases in which people have registered for more than twice the legal limit of the alcohol in the intoxilyzer machine. But you need to know that failure in DWI breath test doesn’t mean a guilty verdict. This is because there are many such circumstances that influence this test and tend to give false results.
  • I am not really guilty but I can’t afford to fight the DWI: This is really a wrong strategy to take a cheap plea out as this will really be going to cost high. There can be fine of around dollar 5000, court costs, increased insurance prices and most important is that there is loss of time at work.
DWI lawyer Jonathan J. Paull is experienced in these kinds of cases and you can feel free to talk with him and discuss the few legal strategies regarding your case which will ultimately protect your rights.

You as a client can choose any DWI attorney but he must have skills and experience so that he can focus and study about your case and help you in getting out of this without the hindrances.

DWI Houston Lawyer & Criminal Defense Attorney, the Houston DUI & DWI Lawyers can defend you. With strong expertise in DUI DWI cases, DWI Attorneys has proven success.

Sunday 21 January 2018

Avoid A Felony Or Multiple DWI Charge With Houston DWI Lawyers

Houston DWI Lawyers
Drinking and driving is a severe offense. Getting charged for such an offense can bring your career down immediately. This gives rise to the importance of having a Houston DWI Lawyers to defend the case on your behalf and provide the best possible results. Being aware of the steps and procedures will help you to understand whether your lawyer is going the right way to defend your DWI charges effectively. When you are convicted of a felony charge or a second or subsequent offense it is quite a serious matter and can ruin your future if proper defensive measures are not taken from the beginning. Whatever be the circumstances, the defendant must be aggressive and competent enough to appropriately present the facts of the case before the court.

Avoiding A Second DWI Offense
An individual can be charged for a second degree DWI if either the person had already a DWI conviction registered in his name or the BAC level in the system of the convict exceeded 0.15% in the first offense itself. The penalties for a second DWI offense can be greater and knowing the possible drawbacks in the case filed against you is the only way to get your charges reduced or even dropped. Experienced and aggressive Houston DWI Lawyers can actually make the difference by enhancing the chances of dismissing your charges. The primary goal of a responsible lawyer is to try and make the legal procedure as smooth as possible so that you do not face any hindrance during your stay within legal custody.

Avoiding A Felony DWI Charge
A felony DWI charge can have a devastating effect on your life as you can have your license suspended with immediate effect and can send you behind the bars for a long period if the evidences collected work against you. In addition to this, you might be ordered to take up an alcohol treatment program, undergo alcohol education, instruction for community service, house arrest and much more. Even a first time offender can be charged with a felony offense if there is presence of certain aggravating factors such as the presence of alcohol or drugs or a minor child in the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. The type of charges levied against the convict varies depending upon the conditions present while such offense was committed. Defending such an offense in Texas can be quite a complicated one but, it is not totally impossible to mitigate the possible damages if adequate defensive measures are taken at the right time and in the right manner.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Challenge Your DWI Case With The Help Of A DWI Lawyer Houston

DWI Lawyer HoustonIf you ever have been pulled over for a suspected DWI offense and arrested it does not mean that you will be surely convicted. Just taking the right steps at the right time will help you to get over such criminal charges. A capable and strategic DWI Lawyer Houston will be able to build up an effective defense strategy to successfully defend your case and get all the evidences collected against you nullified. It is a non-debatable fact that there are certain flaws in the legal justice system which sometimes leads innocent people to suffer for the offenses they have not committed. In such a case it is the duty of the convict to try the best possible ways to avoid being convicted of an offense that has not been committed. This is where the contribution of a lawyer comes into play as a knowledgeable lawyer will challenge the evidences collected against his client and bring justice to him. The ways and techniques for defending such cases are best known only to the lawyer.

Methods To Detect The BAC Level
The Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level is one of the most powerful tests conducted by law enforcing officers to establish the evidence of intoxication. It provides one of the most conclusive evidence to the prosecutor in a DWI case that the individual was driving in an intoxicated state. Although the Texas Penal Code provides its citizens the right to refuse a chemical test in certain conditions there is actually no escape route from the consequences of denying an alcohol test. The BAC level generally measures the alcohol percentage content in the bloodstream, i.e., suppose for the state of Texas the permissible alcohol content is 0.08 percent which means that 8grams of alcohol is permitted for every 100ml of blood in the body of the individual. There are various ways by which the BAC level can be tested each one having their own advantages and disadvantages. Perhaps the most common of the BAC tests includes a Breathalyzer which measures the chemical reaction with the breath of an intoxicated driver to determine the alcohol content level in the bloodstream. Such a test cannot be genuinely considered as evidence against the suspect as it only measures the alcohol level through the breath. Urine tests and blood tests are more effective forms of evidence widely used throughout Texas.

Effective Defense Strategies
If you ever have been charged for such an offense make sure that the lawyer you have hired is well informed of the several tests that may be used as evidence against you so that he can find the loopholes in such test reports and build a solid strategy to defend your case. Though conducting tests through blood samples are quite common there may be several flaws in carrying out such procedures. A competent and skilled DWI Lawyer Houston will deeply analyze the results of the BAC test and try to identify and expose the errors committed while conducting such test. This can be used as an effective defense strategy against the prosecutor and make all evidences invalid that could have been used against his client to accuse him of a DWI offense. Even if the reports of the chemical tests conducted turns out to be true the lawyer will try to establish the fact that there was no genuine reason to stop his client on a public road for a suspected DWI offense. If such fact is proved all evidences collected after such arrest will become void ab-initio and cannot be presented before the Court to impose charges on the suspect. Since the after-effects of a criminal charge is quite serious it is better to proceed with caution as a single mistake can turn the entire case against you. So getting a heavyweight lawyer to represent the case for you before the Court of Justice will provide you with an additional advantage. You can either take online help or help from locals to choose the best lawyer that suits your purpose.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

A Detailed Guide On DWI Offence And DWI Lawyer Houston

DWI Lawyer HoustonHouston and its suburbs is filled with DWI Lawyers because of the fact that the charges for committing a DWI offence is severe. A good DWI lawyer should have a detailed knowledge on the laws prevailing in Houston to free his client from any DWI charges. You can either search them on the internet or telephone book or even contact your friends and relatives to refer a good DWI Lawyer Houston. A good referral always increases your chance of getting released from severe punishment and fines. You just need to do a bit of homework before you decide to choose one.

Steps to be Followed in Case You are Arrested for DWI Offence
A person can be convicted of a DWI offence if the concentration of alcohol in there is 0.08 percent or more. Even a teenager below the age of drinking can also be convicted of such offence if caught in an intoxicated state while driving. As per DWI laws prevalent in Texas the person suspected should compulsorily have to submit to chemical testing in the presence of a law enforcement official. In case of any refusal the punishment can be enhanced. This is where the role of a DWI Lawyer Houston comes in to play who is the only one who can protect and save you from such circumstances. The first thing you must do is cooperate with the law enforcing authorities otherwise the chances of your charges getting increased might be enhanced. You must not speak out everything about the incident before you get the help of a lawyer. You must take necessary steps to contact a good DWI lawyer and get him hired to defend your case and get you freed.

The Possible Charges You Can Be Convicted of in Case of a DWI Offence
The BAC levels in your blood will decide on whether you are to be charged with DWI offence. BAC levels up to 0.08 percent will be considered as a minor offence whereas level of more than 0.15 percent will be considered as a second time offence. The charges can be worse than you might think it to be. In such a case hiring a DWI Lawyer Houston is the safest and the wisest option at hand. The BAC results will decide on the intensity of your crime and you might even be put behind the bars for such an offence. Though in case of a minor offence a mere monetary penalty is charged, things can be a bit different sometimes. If you are arrested you might have your license suspended and have to get yourself involved in social services. You will also have to install a car ignition system in your car after such conviction. The amount of monetary fine and the number of days in jail all depends upon the seriousness of the case.